Friday, November 09, 2007

Things I did this week that I've never done before:

  • Bought a book I had never heard of just because it was on the New York Times bestseller list
  • Watched an entire movie in Chinese, reading the English subtitles
  • Made fried oreos
  • Subscribed to receive dating tips via email and unsubscribed 10 minutes later because I thought it was stupid
  • Set a picture of a total stranger as my desktop background
  • Attempted to solve a Rubik's cube backwards to see if I could return the pieces to their original messed up locations (I'll never know if it worked)


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that you've never watched a movie in Chinese. Kung fu stuff like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Iron Monkey, etc... classic. Love em.

Heather said...

Well I suppose I'm going to have to build my Chinese movie repertoire

Rambling Rose said...

How do you make fried oreos? Sounds yummy.

Anonymous said...

House of Flying Daggers was a fairly interesting Chinese movie. Pretty to watch- though the plot isn't superb. It'll catch your attention.