Thursday, April 01, 2010

April 1

April Fools, 
A teachers worst nightmare.
Worse then the day after Easter when the Easter baskets are already mostly empty.
Worse then the morning before before trick-or-treating when the mere anticipation of sweets has been working its toll.
Worse then the last week before Christmas when the kids realize it's already too late to impress Santa, but their parents will cave and buy them presents anyway, or the first week after Christmas when they know they've still got a whole year to be good.

April Fools day outshines them all. Every teacher approaches class with trepidation, knowing they are about to be bombarded by an assault of pranks, thought up according to a child's perception of humor. They have probably been coached by Dad or big brother with all sorts of suggestions on how to aggravate the teacher. These will be misconstrued and come out worse or stupid. I hate April Fools.

Fortunately I work with preschoolers and all I really had to endure were the highly unoriginal There's a spider behind you and Your shoes are untied.

I told them that there was really no such thing as April Fool's Day, that the whole day was set up as a joke to convince people that first of April was a holiday, but it was just a fake, so really the joke's on them. They didn't get it. 

All around it was a pretty mild day. No short-sheeted beds, no stolen cakes, no bunnies painted purple, no pictures turned upside down. no clocks turned back or ahead, no dressers with their drawers turned upside down, no jello in the shower heads, no ice cubes in the teapots, no snowmen on the toilets, no bras in the freezer.

I survived this one just fine, and I've got another year before April strikes again.


SR said...

Who says pranks are restricted to 4/1? :)

Heather said...

Redundant pranks are restricted to 4/1. Pranks accompanied with a sense of obligation that some prank must be thought of and carried out are restricted.

Or maybe I'm just clinging to some desperate hope that I'm in the clear for a while.